Monday, June 28, 2010

Butt hole of the month

This butt hole had the nerve to call the police on the track club, because he did not check with Harry who gave me permission to do the car wash, and he is the owner of the property, and tried to make us leave, but the police made him leave and let us finish our car wash i would like to thank Coach Shay for steping up to the plate an fighting through her sickness, and not let it keep her away from the carwash, we did not make as much as we did at the last car wash, because a lack of support from team members parents, and our own youth movement, but we still made $237.00 to go with what we made at the last car wash $457.00 but you learn who you can count on and i pretty much know who we can count on but beleive me changes are coming, and excues are not goin gto be accepted by me i have been hearing them for three years, and is tired of them

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